Feuerbach Tunnel, PFA 1.5

Stuttgart, Germany
Stuttgart, Germany
DB Projekt Stuttgart-Ulm GmbH
approx. €200 million
Planning period
2015 - 2018
Total Length
238 m
Clear width
10,20 m
as per HOAI 2013: object planning engineering structures §43, Lph. 2, 3, 5, 6; traffic installation planning §47, Lph. 3, 5; structural engineering §51, Lph. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; general planning

Feuerbach tunnel takes the 2-track line through a length of approx. 238 m from the tunnel portal of the tunnel constructed with mining techniques through to the trough structure. Blocks 1-12 are produced with a special construction method in the area of the existing regional train tunnel. Track structure and civil engineering during the course of construction. The tender draft had to be fundamentally changed so that this area was optimized in a special variant analysis. The current draft planning refers to blocks 1-28. Blocks 10-24 are produced as cut-and-cover constructions and blocks 25-28 as open cut excavations. Blocks 1-11 are constructed with mining techniques.

Special aspects:

  • NX (Siemens) as interactive CAD system for complete, consistent 3D planning
  • Difficult geometry for undercutting the existing tunnel (connecting existing structure and new build)
  • All draft and formwork plans can be derived from the 3D model
  • Clear visualization of individual construction phases on 3D model for coordination.
  • Simple handover of dimensions and areas for individual parts
  • Use of 3D model as basis for structural analysis
  • The complete 3D model permitted reciprocal coordination of all structural influences while undercutting the tunnel such as excavation and construction aids together with necessary traffic management and track installation.
  • The 3D model permitted simple consultation with the geotechnical expert.