Assembly of Cross Girders at Elisabeth Bridge

26. February 2024

Important phase for the large-scale construction project in Halle (Saale)

Construction of the new Elisabeth bridge in Halle is making huge progress. After the steel girders were placed and assembled at the end of last year, the insertion and assembly of the 11-tonne-heavy cross girders of the bridge has been completed, simultaneously with the assembly of the deck slabs. Currently, the reinforcement for the grout connections between the cross girders as well as for the longitudinal grouts of the individual deck slabs is placed. Simultaneously, works are done at the retaining walls between the abutments and existing buildings (old timber yard).

The Elisabeth bridge in Halle is the main link for tram traffic, pedestrians and cyclists between the old and new city. The Saale flood in 2013 severely damaged the bridge which is why it is being replaced by a new structure. To advance construction as much as possible, a modular construction method was chosen.