SSF Group is Growing: Establishment of SSF SysRail GmbH

25. April 2024

Technical equipment company for rail transport

In April 2024, the newly established company SSF SysRail expanded SSF Group’s portfolio of services. The company offers design and consulting services for technical railway infrastructure equipment during basic evaluation, preliminary and draft design, approval and final design as well as preparation and evaluation of tenders (as per German fee structure HOAI phases 1 to7). SSF SysRail is managed by Holger Knippschild, who also heads the department rail infrastructure at SSF Ingenieure AG, as well as Steffen Bermges, who previously worked as design reviewer for electrical energy installations at DB Engineering & Consulting.

“Technical equipment for rail infrastructure is a practical expansion of design services in the context of railway infrastructure. With our long-time experience in the field of railway engineering it is a logical next step to offer design services for technical installations, to widen our portfolio and to better position ourselves for the future”, says Holger Knippschild. “With the foundation of SSF SysRail we make an important step towards offering design services for the German Railway Company Deutsche Bahn from one single provider”, adds Steffen Bermges, “we’ve already received first contracts and are looking forward to further developing the company.”

Headquarter of SSF SysRail is in Munich, a first branch is established in Düsseldorf. SysRail is part of the SSF Group, an association of several companies with the goal to provide clients a comprehensive, wide-ranging and client-oriented service with customised, holistic solutions.