Volkstheater Munich Honoured by BDA Upper Bavaria

25. April 2024

Another award for the building project

 The German Association of Architects (BDA) section Upper Bavaria honoured Munich Volkstheater with the regional award “About Upper Bavaria”. The award commends outstanding and sustainable architecture in Upper Bavaria and is presented every three years.

After the Otto Borst Prize for urban renewal in 2022, the façade award of the city of Munich in 2023, the rating “climate culture competence” from the Bavarian Chamber of Architects in the category energy efficiency and being a finalist for the selection of the German architecture awards 2023 (Federal Construction Ministry and Federal Chamber of Architects), we are very happy about another honour for the building.

From the start, the project of Munich Volkstheater was implemented by a permanent team of construction company, specialist designers and architects. SSF Ingenieure was responsible for structural engineering of the old and new building. The result is a building complex comprising main and side stage, rehearsal stage, dressing rooms, foyer, administration, workshops and storage. The old building, under preservation order, houses offices for the artistic management and administration – this building was renovated and comprehensively rehabilitated in the framework of the new building project. In 2021, after three years of construction, the project was completed on time.