Art Deco Palais

Monument protection meets the requirements of today


This early work of New Objectivity is one of the first reinforced concrete buildings in Munich.

Elegant steel construction – listed building

In order to fulfil the requirements of current standards and workplace guidelines, additional areas had to be cooled and re-cooling units retrofitted.

Munich, Germany
Building contractor/client
BNP Paribas Real Estate Property Management GmbH

Planning period


Service areas

Object planning for civil engineering structures, structural engineering, object supervision

  • The steel supporting structure is based on a 25 m wide horizontal Vierendeel girder on which statically optimised vertical frames were mounted to support the louvre cladding in a rigid manner
  • The newly created hipped roof-shaped steel louvre construction is based on the historic one. It fulfils all monument protection requirements and even enhances the value of the building
  • The design not only looks elegant but also minimises the amount of steel used
  • The minimised consumption of resources and the duplex coating with a particularly long protection period take sustainable construction into consideration
  • Because the object is fully let and is in operation, the steel structure was prefabricated in the steelworks and lifted into place and assembled on site in the shortest possible construction time
  • Because of the location in the city centre, the work was carried out with almost no construction site facilities
  • Simple but beautifully designed screw connections enabled continuous work even in winter


Former General Postal Directorate Architects: built by Robert Vorhölzer and Georg Werner: 1922–1924