Augsburg mobility hub

Challenge: Construction during ongoing railway operations

Metres of tunnel length

Accessible mobility on three levels

In order to make local public transport more efficient and attractive, the city of Augsburg has launched the “Augsburg Mobility Hub” transport project with several coordinated individual projects. A key component of this is the remodelling of Augsburg Central Station into an accessible and modern hub.

Augsburg, Germany
Building contractor/client
Stadtwerke Augsburg Projektgesellschaft mbH

Planning period


Service areas

Object planning for civil engineering structures, project planning for traffic facilities, structural engineering

Tunnel length
405 m

New construction of a tram tunnel, including

  • Underground tram stop
  • Direct access to the platforms via the concourse level
  • Widening area of the junction structure
  • Undercut of the station building
  • Partial remodelling and renovation of the station building
  • Tunnel undercrossing of the shunting tracks with underground turning loop
  • West forecourt (foundation and earthworks) – shortening of the tunnel area

The stop construction includes

  • Two underground levels, external tram platforms at level −2, 11 passenger platforms at E0
  • Escalators and lifts to the distribution level (E-1) and to the platforms (E0)
  • Platform length 90 m
  • Depth of platform under platform DB: 13.5 m

Building in existing buildings

The station structure and the turning loop under the track area were built whilst railway operations were maintained. A maximum of two of the 11 tracks for passenger transport were allowed to be closed at the same time. The station structure was built as an island structure with a cover.