Falckensteinstrasse office building

A prime example of building in existing structures

t weight

The largest exposed concrete curtain element is a real heavyweight.

Former warehouse building becomes new neighbourhood centre

With a view to the classic aspects of sustainability, CO2 emissions are minimised here by preserving the building fabric as much as possible.

Berlin, Germany
Building contractor/client
Victoria-Mühlenwerke GmbH

Planning period


Service areas

Feasibility study, structural engineering, support with object planning for buildings, quality monitoring during construction

Gross floor area
8,950 m²
Weight of the largest exposed concrete curtain wall element
7.5 t
View from the roof terrace
Spree, television tower, sunset
  • The building will be gutted and all fixtures removed
  • All extensions and façade elements will be completely dismantled, and only the concrete supporting structure in skeleton construction will be retained
  • In addition to a new access core with staircase and lifts, loggias will be realised at the rear, and the street façade will be upgraded with large-scale glazing

“Our aim is to preserve as much of the existing building as possible whilst guaranteeing its statics and function”.

Constantin Kaaz, Head of Building Construction Department at SSF Ingenieure in Berlin