Fehmarn Sound immersed tunnel crossing

Construction of a combined railway and road tunnel

km of tunnel length

Connection for Fehmarn and Großenbrode

The combined immersed tunnel under the Fehmarn Sound is being built as a replacement structure for the existing Fehmarn Sound Bridge between the island of Fehmarn and the mainland of eastern Holstein.

Fehmarn, Germany
Building contractor/client

Planning period

Since 2014

Service areas

Project steering, two different project sponsors (rail and road planning services), project in a Natura 2000 area, application of agile and LEAN planning methods.

Route length
6.5 km
Total length of tunnel
2.2 km
probably 12
Element length
varying between approx. 140 and 160 m per element
Tunnel width
approx. 50 m
Tunnel height
approx. 10 m
  • The project comprises the planned combined immersed tunnel as well as its land and island-side connection, which extends to Großenbrode on the mainland and to the north of Strukkamp on Fehmarn
  • The road will have four lanes (two tunnel tubes), and the railway will have two tracks (also two tunnel tubes)
  • The planned tunnel crosses the sound west of the existing bridge
  • For the construction of the immersed tunnel, tunnel elements will be manufactured in a dry dock to be built on site
  • The existing bridge, which was realised as an independent project by DEGES, will be retained and upgraded for low-speed traffic after completion of the Fehmarn Sound Tunnel. Trains will no longer run on it
  • The planning of this challenging project is being realised entirely in BIM. The specialist models of the individual specialist plans are integrated into the comprehensive coordination model by the tunnel general planning department and brought together for further interface coordination